Meter Read Module

Precision and Efficiency in Data Management

Discover the ease of meter reading management with the Edge Meter Read module.

Our system meticulously tracks the timing of regular cyclic meter readings, automatically determining when the next readings are due.

Additionally, Edge seamlessly incorporates Ad Hoc and Transfer meter reads into a formatted "reads request" report, ready to be sent to your meter read operator. Say goodbye to the hassle of meter reading coordination and streamline your process with Edge.

Effortless Meter Read Integration


After meter reads are captured by the operator, Edge simplifies the process by loading the data directly into the system using a customizable read loader. The system conducts read validation seamlessly as part of the load process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in data integration. Streamline your operations with Edge for a hassle-free meter reading experience.

Seamless Transmission with Edge Logistics Module


Effortlessly generate and dispatch meter read transactions to the relevant Market Operator through the Edge Logistics Module using High Volume Interface (HVI). Experience a streamlined process for efficient data transmission with Edge. reading experience.

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